Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Singing In The Rain.. (Or Shower As The Case May Be)

OK, so this is going to be a random post on something we should do just about everyday. And that, my friends, is showering.

I am the friend who takes the longest showers in the history of time. Seriously, I probably have taken a two hour shower before. So, whenever I stay the night anywhere or people stay at my house, I am always the last one to shower. Not by choice, but by force. Because "Anna takes too long and uses up all the hot water". And it's true, so I deal with it. I was thinking.. why is it I take such long showers? Like the first ten minutes I just stand there. And now I know why. It's my thinking place. OK, I think other times too, but that's where I have no distractions. So, I don't sing in the shower (usually), but I do think. I think a lot. (Man, I'm afraid I'm making me sound like a total blond) And guess where I thought of this? Where else but the shower.

Secondly, since the Lombards are leaving, I've been thinking about the good times I've had with them. And one of my most fond memories with Sudona is a conversation I had with her on whether it was alright to pee in the shower. I know, so very odd, but it was hysterical. So now I ask you.

Is is OK to pee in the shower?
Ponder on it, and maybe even think about it while you're in the shower.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lesson Learned

I believe if you ask God for something he'll give you opportunities to use what you've asked for. Like wisdom or patience.. that kind of thing. Well, smart me has been praying for patience for the past few months, and has even asked people to pray that I have patience, too. Have you ever wanted to take back a prayer? After today, I wouldn't mind.

My sister is getting married in seventeen days. Yes, that's right. Seventeen. (We're cool and we're doing a countdown.) I'm the maid of honor and since I'm sixteen, it's kind of difficult doing the maid of honor duties, so thank God Leah's best friend, Sam, is her matron of honor. She's been doing a lot of work, and I can't thank her enough. Anyway.. I've been trying to help out in any way I can, which still isn't much. Like tomorrow I'm staying at her house (that Corey and Leah will be moving into after the big day) in the afternoon to wait for someone to do something or other with utilities because everyone else is working. Just things like that. So, I went with Leah to run some wedding errands last Saturday and we went to WalMart to scan pictures onto a CD for the powerpoint at their reception. Well, after working on that for an hour and a half, the machine froze hope. We lost it all. Needless to say, we were pretty irked about it and didn't have time to do that again. I volunteered to go another day and do it for her because she has enough things to worry about. It was a simple task.. or so I thought.

Today was the day. Delaney and I went to WalMart and scanned all the pictures and got the CD and everything. It took an hour and a half, or a little longer. I even saw my second grade teacher, Mr. Greene, and chatted with him in the process. It was fine and dandy, until I went up to pay for it. Well, it must have slipped Leah's mind that you can't copy professionally done pictures. I scanned them, not even thinking about them. And the lady was like "I'm sorry. I can't sell this to you." So after doing my famous sigh I asked if I would have to scan them all again, and of course, with my luck the answer was yes. I told her I was sorry and thanks for letting us know, and I would just come back and try another day. And thank God Delaney was with me so I could let off my steam to her instead of the nice (really, she was nice) lady at WalMart. So, I will be off again another day with the pictures (except the professional ones ;]) and doing it once again. I've wasted three hours of my life over this, and it is a bit aggravating.

Why must I pray for such things like patience?!?

Really, it will pay off in the end. I'll keep praying for patience, and things like this will most likely keep happening, but it is OK. I thought I handled today better than most people (though most people would be smarter than I was).

Anyway, all of this to say. When you pray for things, realize that situations will come your way where you'll have to put you prayed for into action. That's the only way you're going to learn to be patient or have wisdom about things. It's tough, but I'd rather go through these things and be patient than yell at the lady at WalMart (I must admit, I wanted to a bit) or whoever it may be.

The End.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

We Love You Lombard Family!

So, I have none the Lombards for who knows how long. At least as long as my dad has been the preacher at Grand Central, which was about six and a half years ago (though I'm positive I've known them longer). Anyway, so I've always been good friends with their oldest daughter, Kylee, who is my age. She is just cool stuff and cracks me up! And then their younger daughter, Micah, is just as cute as can be. She's always coming up to me and giving me hugs. She's my little buddy, and I am going to miss her hugs like none other. Kevin was the youth minister at GC until May of my seventh grade year. And let me just say, Kevin and Sudona made my first year in youth ministry an amazing thing. They seriously made me feel so welcome, and I'll give them some of the credit for me being so open and outgoing. Whenever you're around them you know you're loved and they care about what's going on in your life. I have so many funny stories with them that maybe aren't appropriate for the blogging world, but just ask. I'll tell you. They're hilarious. Their family are just the kind of people that you're like "Hey, I want to be best friends with them!" Like really, they are good stuff.
Well, the Lombards have heard God's calling for their life and are moving to Texas where Kevin will be a Family Life Minister (I think? That's awful I don't know, but I'm pretty sure). It's just a great opportunity for them, and I am so excited to see how God is going to use them! Kevin and Sudona have been at Grand Central for the past fourteen years, and I know this is a huge step for them. We had a going away party for them tonight, which was just fun times. Afterward I hugged all of them, which I'll be helping them pack so it wasn't like our real last "Goodbye". But when I hugged Sudona she teared up and told me to stay in touch with Kylee and she loved me, and then told my mom what beautiful girls Rachel and I had turned into. Goodness, like I said, she is one sweet woman. I didn't cry when I hugged them, but right when we were about to leave I just did my crying thing and haven't stopped since.
It's just been crazy seeing so many people leave in the past few months. But it's a good thing. They're going to follow what God wants them to do. And I am just so thankful for the Lombards and what they've done in my life. Please be praying for them as they're moving this week, and that everything goes smoothly for them.

Kevin and Sudona,
You guys have helped shape me into the person I am today (which I hope is something you can be proud of). Thank you for always being there if I ever need someone to talk to. I don't think I can tell you how much that means to me. Thank you for all the laughs throughout the years. I'm quite sure we've never had a dull moment! The church in Texas doesn't know how blessed they are to get you.
Kylee and Micah,
You girls are awesome! I am so blessed to have you in my life (and your parents, too). You have been such good friends to me, and I regret not getting as close to you both as I could have. You girls are going to be great in Texas, and I have no doubt you are going to change things for the better there. I can't wait to hear and hopefully see what great things you both do.
I love you all so much!

I thank my God every time I remember you.
Philippians 1:3

Friday, July 25, 2008

Everybody Do That Church Camp Rumble!

(I'll put pictures up later)

Church Camp was amazing, wonderful, and something I really needed. This year was different than the usual, like last year. But it was still great, and I wish I had stopped telling myself this is weird and not like it's supposed to be and instead would have had the best time possible. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time, but I don't think I let God do as much as I could have.
There are a few highlights from camp I just need to write about because I want to remember them, so this may turn into a book. I apologize in advance.

First off, it was so good seeing my church camp friends. Not all of the usuals came, but people like Heather and Amy Stewart are the reason I go back to camp. They make camp what it is. My friend, Michelle, who was one of my best friends between fifth and ninth grade came back to camp after taking a year off. Can I just say I missed this girl like none other? We spent the whole week together, and she is just one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. I really think we're going to keep in touch now. She's already planning on coming to Cedar Point with me. Just that kind of stuff. You always have that group of friends you hang out with, and this year's group was great. I was blessed with their company and thank God for each of them.

Every night we have campfire and for the past two years, I've been able to help lead silly songs. Growing up, I could not wait to be a senior camper and lead silly songs. So after ten years of waiting, my eleventh and twelfth years of camp, I finally got to do it. And this year my brother was also there (along with the rest of the Ambassadors and Abbi) leading silly song with me. It was a pretty cool thing. We had a great time, and I just acted like a seven year old goof (which is how most of you view me all of the time). It was definitely one of my highlights of camp.

Last night, Rachel and I talked to a girl who has just been dealing with different struggles for awhile. And firstly, I was so honored that she decided to talk to me about her struggles. She just didn't understand why the church is turning their backs on her when they're supposed to be the people who love her most (which I think all of us can understand that). After Rachel and I talked to her for a good while, that evening she decided to get rebaptized. (Now, I'm not saying that I think rebaptism is the right thing to do because someone will get rebaptized a million and then I think it means absolutely nothing. That's not what I'm here to talk about.) That's what she thought she needed to do because she wanted to start over, and I respect her for that. Seriously, this girl is awesome and God is going to use her in big ways. I can't wait to witness it.

Now, this is the story that still makes my heart happy. I could re-live it over and over again and that would just be fine with me. There's a trail on the grounds that we use for our prayer walk. We didn't get to go on the prayer walk this year, and some of us really wanted to walk to the top of the trail because it is absolutely gorgeous. So, this afternoon Rachel, Michelle, Abbi, EJ and Adria hiked up the mountain to the top. After Rachel and I decided to hold hands and run in this field :), we all went to the top and started looking around at God's creation. We saw this squirrel hopping in the field, and then a doe jumping across the field, two butterflies flying around Rachel like in the movies, and an eagle soaring above us. Oh, and Abbi had her guitar. I felt like I was in "The Sound of Music". We started singing "How Great is Our God", "Mighty to Save" and some other songs with the guitar. We sang our hearts out, stood, got on our knees, raised our hands. Whatever we felt like we needed to do. Then we sang "Surround Us, Lord" and "We Shall Assemble" while we were sitting on the top of this mountain. And if you know the words to those songs, you know how powerful it was for us. After that each of us got in the middle of our circle at a time and we all put our hands on the person and prayed for us. We were totally open with each other about our struggles. It was amazing, and I think something we all needed. We cried together and just loved on each other. We sang "Reign In Me" and then went back down the trail.

At the end of camp we have our closing ceremony. So we give out awards and such. EJ got the sportsmanship award, Rachel got the outstanding student in bible class, Michelle got the servant hood award, EJ, Rachel, Abbi and I got on the all-star team. And I got the senior girl camper award which means I get a scholarship to go to camp for free next year. (Though I get to go free anyway since my dad is kind of the director..) We have teams each year that compete against each other in competitions like banner, skit and song for our group. Our groups were based off board games this year. So, I was the co-captain for Team Clue. We ended up getting second which was better than what I usually do. I've only got first once out of my twelve years of camp. It's a sad thing.

So, that was camp. It was great.. I loved it so much and cannot wait to see what God has in store for next year.

He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

Saturday, July 19, 2008

1 Corinthians 10:12

If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

I've been thinking about this verse for the past few weeks, and I (by I, I mean Maria) finally found where it is in the Bible. (That always helps some) This has comforted me so many times when things seem to be unbearable. But He'll never give us more than we can handle.
He is faithful.

Anyway, that's all. Off to camp tomorrow.

Much Love

Friday, July 18, 2008

Home Sweet Home (Or Something Like It)

I'm home after a fantastic week with the Ellis family. I was reminded why I love and miss them so much now. They are good people. Seriously, if you don't know them, meet them. Put it on your list of things to do.

Rachel and I really enjoyed ourselves, and I think Adam, Dana and the girls did, too. Apparently, Rachel and I are Emma's best friends now. It's such an honor. ;) Emma and I watched cartoons like every morning together. It really was sweet. Though some may call being with some little kids for a week birth control, I really didn't think it was that bad. (And no, I am not going to be having children any time soon, just to clear that up!) Chloe has grown up just in two months. It's crazy how fast kids grow when before they even turn one. And whenever Adam, Dana, Rachel and I talk it's always good stuff. Like '"So-and-so's the hot one tonight!". Ok, it's not always "good stuff" like that; you know, serious things about life and God and all that jazz, too. It really is good stuff. And some of the things we discussed I definitely needed to hear it for the first time or be reminded about it. And then I found five dollars.

All of this to say, we had quite an enjoyable trip. And I'm hoping I'll be able to see that family again soon because I love them to pieces.

Sunday, I'm off to one of my most favorite places on earth. (I really do live in my suitcase in the summer time.) And not because the scenery is fantastic, because quite frankly it's not that great. Two words: poop loop. Ah yes, I'm off to good ole' church camp. The place I've gone for a week every summer for the past twelve years. Good times... good times. I'm excited for it! So, I'll be back Friday sometime.

I hope you all are having a great summer!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

And Then!

I found five dollars!
and then!

I found ten dollars!

And they lived happily ever after. The End.

Friday, July 11, 2008

We're Off to South Carolina..

The wonderful South Carolina of The Ellis'. (Yes, that was to the tune to the 'Wizard of Oz' if you didn't catch on.)

Rachel and I are leaving in the morning to go stay at the Ellis residence for a week in South Carolina. I'm definitely excited about it! I miss those people like none other, so it'll be good to spend some time with some of my family. I doubt I'll be posting while I'm there, unless something crazy amazing happens that I must share. If not, I'll post some pics or something from the trip when I get home next Friday. Stay tuned and find out. ;)

In other news, I got my license yesterday! The parents have already let me drive farther by myself than I thought they would until I was like 30. And tomorrow, I'll be driving the four hours we're going to meet the Ellis family. Yay! Hooray! Fun times...

(PS- Looking back on my blog, I've seen that I usually only post when I think of something 'smart' and 'brilliant', but I think that's about to change. I need to update about other things, too; like funny things, or even dumb things that you people could care less about. And this will also help my sister Sam who is out of the country know what's going on with her sister Anna ;] Anyway, that's it.. just so you know if you come on the page and I write something along the lines of 'I love zebras!', you will understand I'm not trying to be 'smart' or 'brilliant'. I'm just being me. Ok, peace out.)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Oh, The Heart

The heart is a very funny thing. Like the fact that you can actually leave parts of it at places or with people, it's really amazing. And, as of yesterday when I left Honduras, I left much of my heart in that country, my home. (Yes, I have two homes) Each of those 11, scratch that, 16 kids (counting the 5 boys) have a piece of my heart. And since Sam is being an amazing girl and staying until October, she has a piece of it until she comes back here, too.
Today has been rough.. I'm not a fan of being at this other home yet. I love the people here, I really do. But I know this isn't where I'm supposed to be. Too much of my heart is in Honduras for me not to move there at some point.
Anyway, keeping people the ministry at Casa in your prayers since they'll be going through some transitions soon. And also keep people like Jen, Karen, Dorian, Ashley, Sam and others who have decided there for a longer period of time.

Honestly, I will update about my kids soon.. I just can't tonight.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's Time Already?

Tomorrow morning, I'll be heading to San Pedro Sula to fly back home. It seems crazy to me that my three and a half weeks are already up. I'm definitely not ready to leave my kids. I mean, really, they just started calling me Mommy. That makes it a bit harder. (And by a bit I mean a lot) I'll write about the kids later.. I'm just not ready to write that kind of a blog yet. So here's a list of what I will miss fom Honduras, and things that are hard to forget from Honduras.

What I'll Miss
1. My sons and daughters at Casa de Esperanza
2. The people I met while I've been here -- The Garcia family, all of the tias, Octi, Gina, Chachi, the guards, etc.
4. Penguinos. They're from heaven, I'm pretty sure
5. Frequent visits to the pulperias
6. Washing clothes in the pila
7. Visiting children's homes
8. Watching the kids play together and help each other
9. All the picos (kisses) and hugs
10. Seeing God's hand at work
11. Going into Teucigalpa
12. Tripley!
13. Seeing children love without limits
14. Laying down with the girls at bedtime
15. The frequent "I love you"s
16. Seeing God's faithfulness
17. The look on someone's face when you build them a 16X16 house
18. Seeing a child's excitement because you show them a little attention
19. Passing out food bags, so a family will be able to eat for two weeks
20. The Jesus Statue
21. Being a Mommy to eleven precious kids

What's I Wouldn't Mind Forgetting, but Can't
1. Men staring at me
2. Knowing people are talking at me and not being able to understand them ;)
3. Messing up my Spanish terribly
4. Hearing gunshots at night
5. Seeing injustice almost everywhere you turn
6. The Dump
7. Knowing there are millions of people who will starve tonight
8. Casitas Kennedy Orphange
9. Cleaning up a child covered with poopy
10. Punishing the kids when they're bad
11. Being reminded that I'm such a wasteful person
12. The "goodbyes"

There are a lot more things, and I'll do an update about the kids when I get a chance.

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers before and during this trip. You don't know how much that means to me. Please continue to pray for those who are staying here for a longer period of time. And continue to pray for Casa de Esperanza, and the eleven precious children that live here.

Much Love