Friday, July 4, 2008

Oh, The Heart

The heart is a very funny thing. Like the fact that you can actually leave parts of it at places or with people, it's really amazing. And, as of yesterday when I left Honduras, I left much of my heart in that country, my home. (Yes, I have two homes) Each of those 11, scratch that, 16 kids (counting the 5 boys) have a piece of my heart. And since Sam is being an amazing girl and staying until October, she has a piece of it until she comes back here, too.
Today has been rough.. I'm not a fan of being at this other home yet. I love the people here, I really do. But I know this isn't where I'm supposed to be. Too much of my heart is in Honduras for me not to move there at some point.
Anyway, keeping people the ministry at Casa in your prayers since they'll be going through some transitions soon. And also keep people like Jen, Karen, Dorian, Ashley, Sam and others who have decided there for a longer period of time.

Honestly, I will update about my kids soon.. I just can't tonight.

1 comment:

Sam said...

This sister heart is more than ready for you to move down here. Even if you have to swim. ;) and when you arrive we'll go see the 'freakin awesome' cross. :)

Love and miss you!