Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Singing In The Rain.. (Or Shower As The Case May Be)

OK, so this is going to be a random post on something we should do just about everyday. And that, my friends, is showering.

I am the friend who takes the longest showers in the history of time. Seriously, I probably have taken a two hour shower before. So, whenever I stay the night anywhere or people stay at my house, I am always the last one to shower. Not by choice, but by force. Because "Anna takes too long and uses up all the hot water". And it's true, so I deal with it. I was thinking.. why is it I take such long showers? Like the first ten minutes I just stand there. And now I know why. It's my thinking place. OK, I think other times too, but that's where I have no distractions. So, I don't sing in the shower (usually), but I do think. I think a lot. (Man, I'm afraid I'm making me sound like a total blond) And guess where I thought of this? Where else but the shower.

Secondly, since the Lombards are leaving, I've been thinking about the good times I've had with them. And one of my most fond memories with Sudona is a conversation I had with her on whether it was alright to pee in the shower. I know, so very odd, but it was hysterical. So now I ask you.

Is is OK to pee in the shower?
Ponder on it, and maybe even think about it while you're in the shower.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

peeing in the shower supposedly keeps you from getting athletes foot. so, i don't know that i'd qualify it as a good thing, but it's something. and i'm not above admitting that i've done it.--heather