Friday, July 11, 2008

We're Off to South Carolina..

The wonderful South Carolina of The Ellis'. (Yes, that was to the tune to the 'Wizard of Oz' if you didn't catch on.)

Rachel and I are leaving in the morning to go stay at the Ellis residence for a week in South Carolina. I'm definitely excited about it! I miss those people like none other, so it'll be good to spend some time with some of my family. I doubt I'll be posting while I'm there, unless something crazy amazing happens that I must share. If not, I'll post some pics or something from the trip when I get home next Friday. Stay tuned and find out. ;)

In other news, I got my license yesterday! The parents have already let me drive farther by myself than I thought they would until I was like 30. And tomorrow, I'll be driving the four hours we're going to meet the Ellis family. Yay! Hooray! Fun times...

(PS- Looking back on my blog, I've seen that I usually only post when I think of something 'smart' and 'brilliant', but I think that's about to change. I need to update about other things, too; like funny things, or even dumb things that you people could care less about. And this will also help my sister Sam who is out of the country know what's going on with her sister Anna ;] Anyway, that's it.. just so you know if you come on the page and I write something along the lines of 'I love zebras!', you will understand I'm not trying to be 'smart' or 'brilliant'. I'm just being me. Ok, peace out.)


Dana said...

Sorry, my blog post didn't sound as I exciting as I really am. I went back and edited it for you :). We are very excited to see you guys. I was almost asleep when I wrote that post. Just wait, you'll see just exhausting a day with my girls can be. We went to the pool yesterday and oh my goodness...

Anyway, this is what you do about writing blog posts that aren't that exciting. Just follow whatever it is that you write with, "And then I found five dollars". This works in conversation. You know when you tell someone something and you just know they are going to be astounded with your brilliance but instead, they look at you with that, "okay, and my mom makes good chicken soup so whats your point look". (that happens to me all the time). So then you just say, "and then I found five dollars". You can even do 10 if you feel as if you've really flopped. And then that person thinks, oh wow, she is brilliant.

See you in a few hours!

Love, love, love you!

Sam said...

1. Yay license! It's about time. ;)
2. Where in the world did your parents let you drive to by yourself?!?
3.Hug the Ellis' for me.
4. I can't wait for these new posts about crazy stuff. :)
5. I miss you terribly.
6. You should update this thing a lot so I do know what is going on in your world because I haven't been able to talk to you much lately, and that makes me sad.
7. I love you oodles of poodles of noodles, and bunches of crunches of oats, and heaps of peeps. :)

Sam said...

I miss you too! Every time the kids are near my computer they see you in the picture on my desktop and they always point at you and tell me your name. It is way cute. They miss you. The stuff on their faces is ice cream. :) Some of them decided it would be a fabulous idea to rub it all over their faces. ;) haha. I love you! can't wait to see you!