Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Patience is a virtue. And something that I lack. My Dad on the other hand probably has the most patience I've ever seen in someone. I'm jealous of him for that. I didn't inherit that gene from him, unfortunately. I've been really uptight the past few days, don't ask me why, I don't even know. But the little things drive me up the wall. These are the times when patience would be a great thing to have. So, for the one or two of you who actually read this, pray for me that some of my Dad's patience might rub off on me. And maybe that I wouldn't get so irritated with things. Anyway, that's it. Just needed to get something of my chest.

Much Love

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I should be working on a History assignment, but I thought I'd do this instead. So, I'm just going to type whatever comes to mind, I suppose.

School has been great. I'm really loving it. I was so afraid I wouldn't like it, but it's great. I think it's a great transition for Rachel and me. The teachers are fantastic, too. The classes are a lot harder there though. Midterms are tomorrow. (How crazy is that?) My grades aren't going to be so good. I'll deal with it. And try harder is all I can do, I guess.

Although school is going so well, I still have these thoughts running in the back of my mind about maybe not making the best decision. What if I'm just taking the easy way out being around christians constantly? I feel like I'm just staying comfortable all the time, which I don't like. I know when I was at Jackson, I had opportunities to reach out and be Jesus to the people there, but I was too lame to be that to them, which I totally regret now. And I'm starting to think maybe if I had gone to PHS, actually I know, I would've had those same opportunities, and maybe I'd take those chances. I know just being at Jackson may have made a difference, but I still always wonder who I helped, in a good way, if anyone.
So, all this is to say I don't know if I'll ever have these opportunities. Actually, just now they won't be right smack in front of my face and I'll have to go out looking for them. This stuff just keeps on getting more and more complicated, the more that I actually get into the Word and reading books about christianity and such.

I suppose this is enough for now. I'll probably update tomorrow or the next day, or the next day. You get the idea.

Much Love

Sunday, September 9, 2007

School and Things on My Mind

School is going well. I hate school in general, but I'll live. I'm making more friends, and the classes aren't totally bad. They're a bit harder which I wasn't expecting. I'll adjust. Of course, I've had to just ignore most of what they're teaching in some classes, because, well, I just don't agree with it at all. And the Juniors found out exactly what Jesus is going to look like. Hilarious.

Here are some things on my mind.

I don't shop at (or atleast try not to anyway) Gap anymore because I know children make their clothes in sweatshops. I know almost every other clothing store does that too, but I don't see how that makes it OK to buy their clothes if I know it's not right. I don't want children to have to work in sweatshops to give me clothes. If right now we can't change everything, I atleast want to see some change in the treatment that they work in. It's just not right. And yes, if those children weren't working in those sweatshops their families will probably have no source of income. But, I believe this is far from God's dream for the world he created.

I've seen a video that talks about how Americans spend $18 billion on cosmetics a year, and it would take about that much to feed everyone on the planet. Some people made a valid point by saying that if we stopped buying cosmetics, those people working in that industry would be out of a job and would go hungry, as well. That may be true, but I don't want this to be our reality. And, I don't think the point of the video was just to stop buying cosmetics, but to watch how we're spending (or wasting) our money. We have been blessed to live in a country where we have money to buy things like food and clothes, and yes, cosmetics, too. But with this blessing comes responsibility to care for and bless our brothers and sisters around the world.

Children dying every five seconds from starvation and children working in sweatshops is not the reality God wants for the world He loves and cares about.

Let's be the change and help the Kingdom of God break through in amazing ways. I don't know how we'll do it, but we'll find a way.

Much Love

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

One of the Funniest Things & DC*B

I'm sure we've all heard ministers get their words mixed up, but this may be my favorite.

It gets me everytime..

Oh, and to get a sneak peak at David Crowder Band's new CD "Remedy" here.
It sounds like it's going to be another great one by them.

I'll update about other things on my mind these days later.

Much Love