Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's Time Already?

Tomorrow morning, I'll be heading to San Pedro Sula to fly back home. It seems crazy to me that my three and a half weeks are already up. I'm definitely not ready to leave my kids. I mean, really, they just started calling me Mommy. That makes it a bit harder. (And by a bit I mean a lot) I'll write about the kids later.. I'm just not ready to write that kind of a blog yet. So here's a list of what I will miss fom Honduras, and things that are hard to forget from Honduras.

What I'll Miss
1. My sons and daughters at Casa de Esperanza
2. The people I met while I've been here -- The Garcia family, all of the tias, Octi, Gina, Chachi, the guards, etc.
4. Penguinos. They're from heaven, I'm pretty sure
5. Frequent visits to the pulperias
6. Washing clothes in the pila
7. Visiting children's homes
8. Watching the kids play together and help each other
9. All the picos (kisses) and hugs
10. Seeing God's hand at work
11. Going into Teucigalpa
12. Tripley!
13. Seeing children love without limits
14. Laying down with the girls at bedtime
15. The frequent "I love you"s
16. Seeing God's faithfulness
17. The look on someone's face when you build them a 16X16 house
18. Seeing a child's excitement because you show them a little attention
19. Passing out food bags, so a family will be able to eat for two weeks
20. The Jesus Statue
21. Being a Mommy to eleven precious kids

What's I Wouldn't Mind Forgetting, but Can't
1. Men staring at me
2. Knowing people are talking at me and not being able to understand them ;)
3. Messing up my Spanish terribly
4. Hearing gunshots at night
5. Seeing injustice almost everywhere you turn
6. The Dump
7. Knowing there are millions of people who will starve tonight
8. Casitas Kennedy Orphange
9. Cleaning up a child covered with poopy
10. Punishing the kids when they're bad
11. Being reminded that I'm such a wasteful person
12. The "goodbyes"

There are a lot more things, and I'll do an update about the kids when I get a chance.

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers before and during this trip. You don't know how much that means to me. Please continue to pray for those who are staying here for a longer period of time. And continue to pray for Casa de Esperanza, and the eleven precious children that live here.

Much Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such an insperation to all of us continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus every day. May God bless you