Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Love You Ellis Family!

Three years ago our church got a new youth minister (and wife and kid ;]) from Panama City, Florida. Why they would want to leave Florida? I still don't know. But he came and I pretty much decided that he and his family were the coolest thing since sliced bread. Seriously, what they talked about what was always something new and exciting. They were just such a nice breath of fresh air.. and have been for the past three years. And then last year they had another little one who is also the coolest thing sliced bread. (Oh, and sliced bread was the epitome of cool until this family came along) I've been able to watch their girls, Emma and Chloe, grow up which has been such a blessing. With parents like theirs, it's just in their genes to do great things when they get older. ;)
And we've had some good times, too. Like guinea pig pee is poisonous, Dana and I tackling and wrestling each other, pulling pranks on the old ladies, slipping on their kitchen floor and getting cheesecake all over me, knocking heads together, youth group trips, church camp, and convincing me that there are nuts in everything.. including water. Good times.. Good times..
Over the past few year I've been able to develop amazing relationships with Adam and Dana. They are people that I know are always going to be involved in my life no matter where we are geographically. They were and still are a God send for me. They have blessed my life so much. I know that if it weren't for them and the time they invested in me I wouldn't be where I am today in this walk I'm on with Jesus. They have taught me so much, not just through their words, but their actions, too. They have helped me see what's going on in our world beyond this small town I live in, how the Kingdom of God can break through now, looking out for the poor and oppressed, how God wants us to be a blessing to the world around us because He's been a blessing to us, that love wins every time, how God wants us to show grace even when it's not the easiest thing, and the list could go on and on. I have learned so much from them.
And now they have an amazing opportunity to bless a church in South Carolina. They'll be leaving sometime this week and I can't wait to see how God uses them there. Though I am a jealous person and I'd rather just have them all to myself, I guess I should share the blessing. ;) Well, and now I have a place to stay when I want to go to a beach! (Which they will be seeing me soon.. maybe sooner than they'd like. Too bad. I'm in their lives forever now. :]) But I'm excited to see how God will use them next. The church in North Augusta is extremely lucky to be getting apart of my family. So, they better be good to them.

Adam, Dana, Emma & Chloe-- You're always going have a special place in my heart, and I know we're going to be friends for the rest of the days until Jesus comes back. You're time here has changed my life in so many ways, I can't even begin to tell you. I don't think you know how much of a difference you have made while you've been here. I'm so grateful for all you've done, and I'm excited to see what God has in store for you in the future. And if you didn't know, I consider you guys family now. So who knows, maybe I'll move to South Carolina or something. :)
I love you guys so so much. Thank you for everything.


Adam said...

Wow. I am both honored and humbled. Thank you for your words. They mean more than you would imagine. We consider you family too, and we can't wait to see what amazing things God will do through you in the future. You have been a blessing to my family.

Dana said...

Good job getting me laughing and then crying.. And you are very right, you will be in our lives forever. It's amazing how if you catch someone at the right time, you can almost watch them grow from child to adult in just a few short years. There are times that I wonder exactly what God's plan was in bringing us here. I don't think we'll fully know the answer to that until we meet Jesus but I know without a doubt, you will be part of that answer. I love you so so much. Our lives have been blessed by you.

PS: Stay away from that guinea pig pee.