Monday, August 25, 2008

Just One More Week

I kept saying today at school "Just one more week of summer... that's all I need". Eh, I can suck it up.

In all, the first day wasn't awful. It's going to be a tough year though. Here's the run down.

First period- Advanced English
Second- Teacher's Assistant with Mrs. Smith (it will rock)/Bible/Chapel
Third- PC Apps 2/College Prep/Study Hall
Fourth- World History
Fifth- Spanish III
Sixth- Trigonometry and Algebra 3
Seventh- Chemistry

Yeah, there's a chance I will have no life this year. I pray I do :) But I will have to work my tail off extra hard this year. I'm a procrastinator to the max, so it will be a struggle for me to stay ahead. We'll see how it goes. It was great seeing everyone though. I think it'll be a fun year, too. We shall see..

Hope everyone has good first days whenever you start ;)

Much Love

1 comment:

Dana said...

Something tells me you'll somehow manage to have a life ;).

Love and miss you