Sunday, May 4, 2008


Friday evening was a night that will go down in the Spivy books. I came home and got on the computer(surprise!). The basement smelled damp, so I turned on the light. I soon discovered water had come into the basement and the sewage system had backed up. Mom, Dad and my sister were at the movies, but I still thought I should tell them what was going on. Dad soon came home and we got it cleaned up, and today the plumbers came and fixed it. I've decided I would do great in that business. Anyway.. that story is not the point of writing this post.

What happened Friday, oddly enough, reminded me of a family we helped in Honduras. A single mom was raising her seven children and lived in a 'house' where every time it rained (which while I was there was every day) sewage from the house on the hill above them came through their 'house'. The youngest child was at the hospital with pneumonia because of this frequent occurrence. Our group ended up building a new home for this family with enough beds and hammocks for every person.

As I cleaned up my basement, I asked God to be with that family and all the other families who are still living in conditions like this. Remembering this story reminded me that I am so blessed to live where I am and have the things that I have. Like indoor plumbing and running, clean water that may have some problems sometimes, but it's nothing compared to living in sewage. I'm thankful. I'm thankful for the fact that if our sewage system backing up and making our basement a little damp is the worst thing that happens to us, I do believe we're doing very well. I don't know why God decided to place me here with these gifts instead of living in Honduras in sewage, or Africa with unclean water where thousands of children and adults die of AIDS every day.

I feel like such a greedy person having all these things while other people live in such horrible conditions. I know I'm so unworthy of all these blessings. But I'm thankful for them, and I all too often take them for granted.

God has blessed us. Remember to praise Him for all the gifts He's given to you. Ask God to be with the poor and oppressed, and how you can help make His dream become a reality. Where people don't have to live in sewage and have unclean water. We can change this world into what He dreams of it to be.

Much Love

1 comment:

Maria Lee said...

I love you sister. Those were some wise words and a nice reminder of my current shall we say unthankfulness? I needed this post. really.