Monday, March 31, 2008

Scrambled Thoughts

There are so many things I could write about... and some I will write about in the next few days.. or weeks.. But here are a few things that are just sticking out like a sore thumb right now (that's the saying, isn't it?)

-Sam and I are doing a fundraiser to raise money to help Casa de Esperanza pay for medical bills they have acquired to help save Izzy's life. Go here to learn about Isabell and also what you can do to help.

-I'm turning sixteen in thirteen days. Not like I'm counting or anything.

-My grandma has this annoying bear that sings 'Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows' by Lesley Gore. I made it my ringtone.. it drives everyone mad. It got stuck in my head, but it's lifted my spirits the past few days. Funny how a dumb song can do that, huh?

-I'm going to Honduras for a month soon .. In sixty-seven days, to be exact. Some days I can't wait to be there again. I can't wait to love on the kids again and to see some of my kids after a year of missing them so much. Other days.. I can wait just a little longer.

- July 3rd is going to be one tough day. Leaving my best friend (and now sister) in a foreign country for a few months is not fun at all.

-More friends have moved away from me in the past nine months than ever before in my life.

-When one of those friends that has recently moved away surprises you and visits you at school, it really does make life a little better. Especially when they'll be there for the next four days.

-Distance sucks. The End. Whether it's the distance across the bridge, Indiana, Massachusetts, Honduras, or anywhere else. It stinks.

-I always talk as someone who looks forward to change. To see what God will throw at me to work with next. But today I don't want anything to change. Maybe tomorrow.

- I'm extremely nervous/afraid/anxious about the next few months.

-Hearing the words 'I love you' never gets old. I think that's why I say it to people as much as I do. I don't want them to forget it.

-Knowing people support you when you make big decisions is such a blessing.

-Getting huge hugs are just about as good as someone telling you they love you. I'm quite a fan of long hugs.

-Enjoy the time you get to spend with loved ones.

-God really does have a greater plan for each person on this earth. Far greater than I'll ever know.

-Don't ignore where God is calling you to go, or who He's calling you to be.

Much Love


Sam said...

I know I am breaking my 2 month no commenting streak, but I just had to comment this post, I guess because after everyline more and more tears came streaming down my face. You are one amazing sister, thats for sure. And I am going to miss you terribly, so bad that I don't even have words to describe the pain that fills my heart when I think about you leaving on July 3rd. I can't believe we are leaving in 67 days, it just doesn't seem real yet. I honestly don't know where the last 6 months have gone. Some days I am way excited about leaving, and others, I just cry because I just want a little more time here, and sometimes I want this to last forever. Anyways, you are wise beyond your years, and you never cease to amaze me at the things you say in your posts. I am one blessed girl to call you sister. I love you dearly, and don't ever forget that.

rachel =) said...

i love you. i love you. i love you! (times infinity and don't you forget it!)

we're going to get through this. all of it. i'm not a fan of change, either, but when it's change because God's got bigger plans than we can see, at least i know i can trust Him and know it's the right thing. it's going to be okay.

i'm going to miss you and sam so much this summer (and sam til october). ughhhh. let me say this for the 439878947nth time: i wish i lived in vienna! =(

did i mention that i love you? cause i do. a lot.

Maria Lee said...

my friend you've said some amazing things in this post and I know how you feel about almost all of them.

I used to think that I love you lost it's meaning when you said it a million times, but I've realized that it only loses it if you let it.

I pray that you use this time you've been given before things really change to the best of your abilities. That you tell Sam you love her, along with everyone else that you love. That you suck in the long hugs. And that you cherish every moment you're given because every day is a gift. I pray that God blesses you beyond the point your imagination takes you. I pray that you continue to share your wisdom with others.

I love you my dear, and if it wasn't for that distance thing, I would totally give you a big hug :]