Life is hectic and busy, and well, crazy. It always is. Today I slept basically all day after being up all night from taking JT and Sam to Columbus to leave for Honduras. Boo.
So what's new?
Well, last Tuesday, I found a baby bird that had just fallen out of his nest. It was on our dog chain and we were taking care of Leah's dog, that's from Satan, while she and Cory were on vacation. I knew Bear would eat it if she saw it. So, JT and I took care of him. I named him Stanley after Stanley on The Office. Anyway.. he seemed to be doing very well.. I got up at three in the morning to feed him. Friday, he stopped eating and chirping. And he chirped a lot.. I went to school and heard Stanley chirping wherever I went. Stanley passed on Friday night. It was a little sad, but I expected it to happen. Rest in Peace Stubborn Stanley. You will be missed.
Last Saturday was our school's banquet. That's right, we do banquet instead of prom. We can't have any dancing, you know. That leads to other naughty things. ;) I went with Jake from church. We had a fun time. And we looked pretty nice, if I do say so myself. That was a fun night.. and the weeks before that night were stressful, but it turned out nicely. But thank you Jesus it's over with!
Mom was offered two jobs last week. One job was in Charleston, so she'd have to drive five days a week and the other was at WVU-P. Mom took the WVU-P position. I'm happy for her! I'm praying she enjoys it :)
Sam was in town for three weeks and just left this morning to go home. We had a lot of fun together. She's a great sister and friend, and I love her to death! And in three more weeks, the team will be leaving for Honduras. And guess who is staying for four and a half weeks after the team leaves? This girl. I am thrilled! I'm so excited to see how God will work through us while we are there. He always goes over and beyond what anyone expects.
I think that's it.. These next few weeks will be filled with getting ready for the Honduras trip and finishing school in two weeks. And then I'm a Senior. Crazy!
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