(1- Matt and me. 2- The Ambassador Girls and me. 3- Dad and me after the shaving cream fight. 4- The Tongue Tamer Models for the Newspaper Fashion Show. 5- DRAGON HUNTERS! Need I say more? 5- My nine-year-old boyfriend, Logan, for the week. Such a pimp. )
This was my eleventh year attending Mountaineer Christian Youth Camp. (Crazy, right?) This year was very different than any other year. First off, there were only around ten campers that were older than fourteen years of age. There were only six girls in the senior room. Kind of depressing really. But it was fun. My usual 'posse' wasn't there. The only ones in that 'posse' were Erika and Rachel. So, I made a new posse with Erika, Jessica, Abbi, Matt, London, Pat, and then Rachel when she came Wednesday. They were amazing. I was able to lead silly songs at Campfire with Erik, Matt, Abbi, and Ambassadors. It was really great. I was also a team captain with Slater. Little Slater, that I saw in diapers. It made me feel very old. We studied James this week. I had fun reading it. Ha. Class was interesting... Angel, Angel, You are an Angel.. Oh gosh, let's try to get that out of my head for the sake of all mankind. Anyway, our team names came from James. So, my team was the Tongue Tamers. Amazing, I know. We won the Banner Contest. Unfortunately, I was sleeping after spilling out my guts. But I was there in spirit. Everything else we either got first or last, and then in the newspaper fashion show, we received third. It was because of Rachel and my wits. We're good. In the end we didn't place at all. At the final ceremony I received the Senior Girl Sportsmanship Award, the something about the bible class student something or other, and was on the Senior Girl's All-Star Team. And yes, my father is the director, but no, he did not vote on these things. Haha. Anyway, that's camp.
I'll update sometime about.. well things.
The brother gets back next Friday! Yay!
Much Love
sounds like camp was a blast!I enjoyed the pics1 ..oh and I hope you do move to Honduras...that will be really cool, we could have a whole bunch of us there..and do amazing things..how awesome would that be? Anyways...sorry you had to wait such a long time for this lame comment...maybe Ill leave a better one tomorrow...when my brain is functioning. Love you!
Anna! I love you! Me, you, Rachel, and Summer need to hang out this weekend for sure!
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