Where to even begin?
This morning, Friday, July 13, 2007, my beloved hamster Steve Irwin was found dead in his cage. It's a sad loss for the Spivy family. He was a good hamster. Anyway, I thought you all should know why I'll be sad the next few minutes.... OK, I'm good now.
Mission Trip was fun. I really enjoyed myself and was able to get to know some of the younger teens in the youth group a little better. Micah and I were in charge of Crafts. I was kind of petrified about it actually because, well, I am not a creative person whatsoever. But everything worked out well. The kids had a wonderful time. The first day we had twelve kids, the second eighteen, and Thursday we had twenty-four kids. It was really awesome. Today we had a water day. We had a slide, a slippin' slide, water balloons, and so on. I fell in love with a little girl named Ella. I helped her cut lines for the water slides and such. It was funny. I spoiled her to say the least, because I haven't been able to do that with a child since Honduras. So, some of the guys starting using a slingshot type deal for the water balloons. Well, Ella and I were watching them and all of the sudden I see one flying towards us. So at the last second I stuck my hand in front of her face, and amazingly it splashed in my hand. I got a welt, so I was very happy it was me who got hit instead of her head. It scared me! The teens also made dinner for the Prime Timers at church and then played games and such with them. They are amazing people. I love them a lot. And Garrett, Sam and I also had fun picking on Dana one evening. Good times, good times.
Our first devo Adam asked something to the extent of "If you were looking for another church, what would be the main thing you'd be looking for?" Some mentioned worship on Sunday morning, others about how important it is to be apart of a community that you can lean on. Almost everything mentioned I agreed with, but none of them fully struck a chord with me.
I am looking for a church that has a community of believers that I can love and lean on. But the thing that I'm looking for now is a community of believers that aren't afraid to get out there and share God's message with the world. Is that not what we were called to do? "Why do we, the church, minister to ourselves instead of ministering to the lonely, hurting, and lost?" (Karen's blog) I read that the other day and I've thought about it a lot since then. Why is that? I want to be apart of the community that will go past the four walls of our "sacred" church building and and share The Gospel. And to live The Gospel so everyone can see it. There are few, if any, churches yet that are willing to do that. I want to see that happen in my lifetime. I think it will and I'm so looking forward to see what can happen from it. (Sam wrote something along the lines of this on her blog. It was really great, so check it out.)
My Grammy is in the hospital again. She went back almost a week ago after falling and not being able to get up, barely being able to talk, dizziness, and so on and so forth. They finally figured out she has an infection, so hopefully she'll be back home soon. Mom went down Monday to be with her, and is coming home tomorrow. It's hard for me to know my Grandma's in this condition. It really is. When I was visiting her last week, she told me she was so sorry for being sick pretty much all my life. And she was sorry that she wasn't the best grandma because she was sick. Really? What to say to that? I just told her she was the best grandmother ever, which is nothing short of the truth. I just hate the fact she thinks she's been an awful grandmother because she was sick. I don't think she could've helped she was diagnosed with cancer and has problems ever since. So, I'm just saying all of this to ask for you prayers. I want my Grammy to be home again.
Church Camp starts Sunday. I'm really looking forward to it. After that, I'll be home for a week or two, and then hopefully in Fairmont for a few days. I miss those people!
Much Love
PS-- I want comments! I haven't gotten one in a long time! What's up with that?