You can't really think out loud on this, but whatever, go with it. You know what I mean.
Someone at church this morning prayed that God would be with our nation and our leaders. And I sat there today I just wanted them to say after that "And be with Iraq, Iran.. etc." Just other countries. I use those just as what may be a total stretch for some people. I just kind of get tired of us just praying for our country and that God would be with us and bless us. We should be asking God to bless other countries and their leaders, too. God does not like America more than he likes Iraq, Iran, Honduras, wherever. I'm just afraid too many people think that.
Don't get me wrong. It is great to be proud of being an American and asking God to bless us and our leaders, because He more than anyone knows we need the blessings. I am so thankful for the freedoms I have and such because I live here, I just think we need to pray for other country's needs as well.
That's all. I'm done.
Much Love
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Just One More Week
I kept saying today at school "Just one more week of summer... that's all I need". Eh, I can suck it up.
In all, the first day wasn't awful. It's going to be a tough year though. Here's the run down.
First period- Advanced English
Second- Teacher's Assistant with Mrs. Smith (it will rock)/Bible/Chapel
Third- PC Apps 2/College Prep/Study Hall
Fourth- World History
Fifth- Spanish III
Sixth- Trigonometry and Algebra 3
Seventh- Chemistry
Yeah, there's a chance I will have no life this year. I pray I do :) But I will have to work my tail off extra hard this year. I'm a procrastinator to the max, so it will be a struggle for me to stay ahead. We'll see how it goes. It was great seeing everyone though. I think it'll be a fun year, too. We shall see..
Hope everyone has good first days whenever you start ;)
Much Love
In all, the first day wasn't awful. It's going to be a tough year though. Here's the run down.
First period- Advanced English
Second- Teacher's Assistant with Mrs. Smith (it will rock)/Bible/Chapel
Third- PC Apps 2/College Prep/Study Hall
Fourth- World History
Fifth- Spanish III
Sixth- Trigonometry and Algebra 3
Seventh- Chemistry
Yeah, there's a chance I will have no life this year. I pray I do :) But I will have to work my tail off extra hard this year. I'm a procrastinator to the max, so it will be a struggle for me to stay ahead. We'll see how it goes. It was great seeing everyone though. I think it'll be a fun year, too. We shall see..
Hope everyone has good first days whenever you start ;)
Much Love
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Oh School
It's back in session tomorrow. Shoot me in the foot! OK, not really, but I did pretend like I was going to stab myself in the stomach with a knife at Texas Roadhouse today when school came up. I'm so not ready for school, it's ridiculous. And not just like mentally, but let's just say I got my school supplies half an hour ago. I'm hoping my King James Bible is in my backpack (which I haven't opened since the last day of school) and not buried somewhere. Who knows. We only go until twelve tomorrow though. It won't be awful.
Anyway, that's all.
Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Or make babies.
Anyway, that's all.
Stay in school. Don't do drugs. Or make babies.
Friday, August 22, 2008
One Of Those Weeks
I've had one of those weeks that you would just like to erase and start over. It's not that I did anything stupid or I regret, I've just been sick all week. I had to leave church early Sunday because I had a migraine, and was then drugged the rest of the day. Monday, I actually had a good day. I went to the drive-in so it was fun. Tuesday morning the vomitfest began and continued until eleven o'clock Wednesday night. Oh the joys... So, from Monday night until Thursday afternoon all I had eaten was one cracker and many popsicles. I'm telling you, popsicles make the world a better place. I lost five pounds, which didn't surprise anyone. And just as a side note, if I never see Sprite or have to taste it ever again that will be A-OK with me! Yesterday, I actually ate a piece of toast and tried to go to a get together my class was having, but left an hour later because I was so tired. So, I came home and was asleep by 8:30. Oh, and the best part, it's my last week of summer. School starts Monday, and I've spent my last week of freedom at home on the couch. It's fantastic! ;) But I'm hoping today I'll get enough strength to actually do something. I mean, come on! It's Friday night people!
Such is life... Off to eat my toast and nasty gatorade!
Much Love
Such is life... Off to eat my toast and nasty gatorade!
Much Love
Monday, August 18, 2008
My Sister Is A Delbaugh
Well, they went through with the wedding. There weren't any thoughts they wouldn't go through with it, but still :) My sister was absolutely gorgeous! I think her husband thought so, too ;) It was a fun day. I enjoyed spending time with all of my family who I usually only see once or twice a year. I had fun getting dressed up, but got tired of hearing people say 'Anna! You look like a girl!' Really? A girl? What do I look like every other day. I knew what they meant, but it did get a bit annoying. I still love them all though. ;) Leah and Cory are now at the Dominican Republic until Sunday evening. Yay for them.
I didn't take any pictures, unfortunately. So, when people put pictures on Facebook I'll get some of them on here. Yay for Facebook. It makes the world a better place.
Much Love
I didn't take any pictures, unfortunately. So, when people put pictures on Facebook I'll get some of them on here. Yay for Facebook. It makes the world a better place.
Much Love
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Here Comes The Bride

It's here! The craziness has already begun! My dear sister, Leah, is getting married this Saturday. Everything is coming together now, and I'm so excited for her and Cory. The family is starting to come in tonight, and tomorrow night we'll have fourteen people staying at our house. It will be crazy, but fun none the less! Tonight is the Bachelorette party and the guys went up to a Pirates game today. It will be fun times. I'll update Saturday night or Sunday on how it went and hopefully with pictures. I'm figuring out where I'm going to hold the tissues already. :) It should be a great day!
Much Love
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Oh Michael..

I love the Olympics. That's pretty much all I watch for the two weeks they're on. (They're on for two weeks, right?) I was bummed I missed the Opening Ceremony, though I heard it was stinking amazing. Anyway.. every time the Olympics are on I pick a person that I just love to watch. The past two Summer Olympics it was the Hamm brothers. I was so depressed when I heard they couldn't compete this year.. I love watching Gymnastics. They're amazing. I can't even do a cartwheel. (And didn't the USA girls do a stinky job tonight? For the love!) My person this year is Mr. Michael Phelps. I love watching him swim. He makes it look so easy. He makes me love swimming. :) OK, that's all. So, watch the Olympics and root on for the US. We're pretty good. Go USA!
Friday, August 8, 2008
6 Random Things About Me
My friend Dana (Have I mentioned I love and miss her?) tagged me to tell six random things about me. And I wouldn't call myself a very random person, (And if you know me, you know I am lying like crazy as I type that) but I'll give this a shot. ;)
1. I will ride any roller coaster, unless it's about to fall apart. But I'm a bit scared of heights. I realized this at Cedar Point when I went on the Power Tower (it's amazing), where you go up 240 feet in the air and then it suddenly drops you. I was freaking out just a bit.. I still loved it though.
2. I am extremely animated when I talk. I have to think very hard to keep myself from using my hands when I talk. I tend to entertain people when I talk to them. I suppose that's a good thing.
3. I hang out with older people. Some of my best friends are between the ages of 18 and 32. My mom is sure that I will marry an older man, and I don't doubt her wisdom. I'd much rather spend my day with someone a few years older than one my own age. They're wise. I just want it to rub off on me... or something like that.
4. I think you can ask any of my friends, or acquaintances, and more than likely they have heard me say that I want a baby more than one occasion. And, it's not that I want a baby like today.. the good Lord knows I would die, but I'm just excited for that part in my life. I can't wait to be a momma, and that's been magnified after being a mom for an extremely short period this past summer. But don't worry, it won't be happening until I marry that older man. ;)
5. I laugh at people's pain (thanks Dana :P), and my own.. other than the time I had meningitis or when I was at the emergency room since I ate a cookie filled with nuts. Come to think of it, I did laugh when I was covered in hives.. Good times. But really, if someone gets in seriously pain, I won't laugh. Usually. Oh, and I also laughed when my friend told me she hit two dogs with her new car. I know, I am an awful person. But meet my father, then you will understand why I laughed at the dog thing.
6. I struggled with thinking of this last one. I like spinach a lot. I tried it while I was in Europe when I was eleven and fell in love with spinach and cheese ravioli. I ate it all of the time. It was just so good. And Mama Dot, Sam's grandma, makes keisch (I know I totally spelled that wrong) with spinach and cheese. It's amazing. so, yes, I swim against the current of what most kids like, and I like spinach.
Six people I tag..
1. Rachel
2. Sam
3. Ashley
4. Delaney
5. Maria
6. Hannah
(maybe she'll actually update her blog with this ;])
1. I will ride any roller coaster, unless it's about to fall apart. But I'm a bit scared of heights. I realized this at Cedar Point when I went on the Power Tower (it's amazing), where you go up 240 feet in the air and then it suddenly drops you. I was freaking out just a bit.. I still loved it though.
2. I am extremely animated when I talk. I have to think very hard to keep myself from using my hands when I talk. I tend to entertain people when I talk to them. I suppose that's a good thing.
3. I hang out with older people. Some of my best friends are between the ages of 18 and 32. My mom is sure that I will marry an older man, and I don't doubt her wisdom. I'd much rather spend my day with someone a few years older than one my own age. They're wise. I just want it to rub off on me... or something like that.
4. I think you can ask any of my friends, or acquaintances, and more than likely they have heard me say that I want a baby more than one occasion. And, it's not that I want a baby like today.. the good Lord knows I would die, but I'm just excited for that part in my life. I can't wait to be a momma, and that's been magnified after being a mom for an extremely short period this past summer. But don't worry, it won't be happening until I marry that older man. ;)
5. I laugh at people's pain (thanks Dana :P), and my own.. other than the time I had meningitis or when I was at the emergency room since I ate a cookie filled with nuts. Come to think of it, I did laugh when I was covered in hives.. Good times. But really, if someone gets in seriously pain, I won't laugh. Usually. Oh, and I also laughed when my friend told me she hit two dogs with her new car. I know, I am an awful person. But meet my father, then you will understand why I laughed at the dog thing.
6. I struggled with thinking of this last one. I like spinach a lot. I tried it while I was in Europe when I was eleven and fell in love with spinach and cheese ravioli. I ate it all of the time. It was just so good. And Mama Dot, Sam's grandma, makes keisch (I know I totally spelled that wrong) with spinach and cheese. It's amazing. so, yes, I swim against the current of what most kids like, and I like spinach.
Six people I tag..
1. Rachel
2. Sam
3. Ashley
4. Delaney
5. Maria
6. Hannah
(maybe she'll actually update her blog with this ;])
Thursday, August 7, 2008
An Answered Prayer
A few posts ago I talked about how I didn't know why God put me here. And let me tell you, I think at least a few people must have been praying about it because I've heard things the past few days that I don't think I would've heard had there not be people praying. One person told me that I'm here because I need to learn some lessons before I move to Honduras (or wherever God wants me to be in six years, though I believe with all of my heart it will be there). And, I think they're right. They're a pretty wise person. :)
Today I was just having a blah day. Ever have one of those? I didn't do anything, and if you know me at all, you know I'm always into something. So, I was just bored to death and had a headache. I watched Monk all day and was being a cranky butt. Many will testify to that. And I kept asking myself Why am I here? And reminding myself of my sisters Sam and Ashley and my kids in Honduras that I miss like none other. Especially today. And I just didn't get why I'm here. (If you couldn't notice, that is something I struggle with a lot. Especially more than usual since I've been back home.) Tonight my dear friend, Danny Cooper, spoke at church and he said "You are the answer to someone's prayer". All this time I've been wanting a big reason for why I'm here. And it may be as simple as someone's prayer of needing a listening ear or giving them a ride somewhere. And it may also be something big. But it's just that. I'm an answered prayer to someone.
I think that's a good enough reason for me to be here.
Today I was just having a blah day. Ever have one of those? I didn't do anything, and if you know me at all, you know I'm always into something. So, I was just bored to death and had a headache. I watched Monk all day and was being a cranky butt. Many will testify to that. And I kept asking myself Why am I here? And reminding myself of my sisters Sam and Ashley and my kids in Honduras that I miss like none other. Especially today. And I just didn't get why I'm here. (If you couldn't notice, that is something I struggle with a lot. Especially more than usual since I've been back home.) Tonight my dear friend, Danny Cooper, spoke at church and he said "You are the answer to someone's prayer". All this time I've been wanting a big reason for why I'm here. And it may be as simple as someone's prayer of needing a listening ear or giving them a ride somewhere. And it may also be something big. But it's just that. I'm an answered prayer to someone.
I think that's a good enough reason for me to be here.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Oh! My Sclera!
After a good night with my friend Alexandra, or Goff as I like to call her, and then ichatting with Samantha Marie until two in the morning, I woke up with a fun surprise. I had forgotten to take out my contacts last night, which usually isn't that big of a deal. I just wake up and my eyes are like super crusty and gross. Well, I had been rubbing my eyes this morning before I got out of bed trying to figure out why they were so gunky. I realized I had forgotten about my contacts, so I took them out and my eye looked really red, but I didn't think anything of it. Later, I looked at my eye again and realized it looked not only red but gelatin-y. It was gross. And I then realized I had ripped my sclera. That's right, the outer covering of your eye. My mom had ripped her sclera much worse than mine a few days after I got home from Honduras when a bug flew in her eye. Luckily, mine is only a little part in the corner, and it already looks much better. I'd put up a picture but it wouldn't be worth it now since it looks almost normal.
I'm going Cedar Point tomorrow with the youth group which will be awesome! It's amazing, really, it is. Except it's supposed to rain and hail and all that jazz. So, I am praying it doesn't rain because I don't want all the roller coasters to shut down.
OK, that was random. And maybe gross for some of you, but you'll live. I promise.
Peace Out
I'm going Cedar Point tomorrow with the youth group which will be awesome! It's amazing, really, it is. Except it's supposed to rain and hail and all that jazz. So, I am praying it doesn't rain because I don't want all the roller coasters to shut down.
OK, that was random. And maybe gross for some of you, but you'll live. I promise.
Peace Out
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Peace Out
Well, this year has been a crazy year with people moving. I've lost count of how many people have moved. I've had to say more goodbyes just in the past eight months than ever before. It sucks, honestly. A lot of the people are the people who are closest to my heart and know me the best. And some I've had to say 'peace out' to more than once in the past year. I know, things happen, things change, and I'm realizing that I can't stop it no matter how hard I try. But I'm a selfish girl, so it stinks not to have my people around me. Sometimes I do feel like I'm all by my lonesome (I like that new saying), which I know it isn't true. But when the people closest to you leave, you do think that sometimes. Don't tell me it hasn't crossed your mind when you move or a dear friend moves away from you. You and I both know it happens.
And a few of the people closest to my heart are in Honduras, and I'm only sixteen and can't move there yet. And let me tell you, to know that that's where you're supposed to end up and you can't go there yet because you're still too young, it is probably one of the worst feelings ever. With so many people leaving West Virginia following God's calling for their lives, it reminds me that I can't follow what I think God has called me to, yet. Yet. But I just don't know why I'm in West Virginia now. I know there has to be a reason, other than this is where God wants my parents to be. There's a reason why I am here, I just don't know what that is right now. So, if you read this, say a little prayer for me that God can show me what to do while I'm here. Which as of right now, it looks like I'll be here for the next six years. For the love..
And to those of you who have left poor old me (totally kidding.. kind of),
If I seem mad at you sometimes because you left, just know it's because you have a very special place in my heart. And I won't stay mad at you forever, just a few years. (Once again, totally kidding.. but seriously) I thank God I get to call you my brothers and sisters, and I look up to you for following the call God has put inside you. I'm proud of you for doing that, because many people ignore the call. I'm proud of you. I love you guys.
And a few of the people closest to my heart are in Honduras, and I'm only sixteen and can't move there yet. And let me tell you, to know that that's where you're supposed to end up and you can't go there yet because you're still too young, it is probably one of the worst feelings ever. With so many people leaving West Virginia following God's calling for their lives, it reminds me that I can't follow what I think God has called me to, yet. Yet. But I just don't know why I'm in West Virginia now. I know there has to be a reason, other than this is where God wants my parents to be. There's a reason why I am here, I just don't know what that is right now. So, if you read this, say a little prayer for me that God can show me what to do while I'm here. Which as of right now, it looks like I'll be here for the next six years. For the love..
And to those of you who have left poor old me (totally kidding.. kind of),
If I seem mad at you sometimes because you left, just know it's because you have a very special place in my heart. And I won't stay mad at you forever, just a few years. (Once again, totally kidding.. but seriously) I thank God I get to call you my brothers and sisters, and I look up to you for following the call God has put inside you. I'm proud of you for doing that, because many people ignore the call. I'm proud of you. I love you guys.
Friday, August 1, 2008
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