Monday, December 31, 2007


The year is just about to close. Kind of crazy, if you ask me. It has totally flown by. I have loved just about every minute of this year though. It's been amazing. With Winterfest, choir competitions, two new babies, two graduations, getting my permit, birthdays, the Olympics, Honduras, Work Camp, Church Camp, Mission Trip, youth rallies, and complete randomness. It has been one heck of a year. I'm so thankful for all the new things I experienced. It has totally changed my life. I've strengthened many friendships that I hope will last a lifetime, and traveled to the country I love to call home. I'm so thankful for all God has allowed me to do this year. I can't wait to see what will happen in 2008!

(I'll find something to update about later.)

Much Love

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I went to MedExpress today to get the ankle checked out. I just pulled a ligament (I think that's what it was. lol) in my ankle. The doctor did say that rolling my ankle may happen repeatedly now that it's started. So, physical therapy looks like it's going to happen in the near future. I have to wear an aircast for a month, but I can still play. I can get back in the gym on Monday, if pain allows it. I am so excited about it. My crowd better be at the game Tuesday! =P

Much Love

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fabulous Day

Yesterday was one of those days that was just so insane, you've just got to write it down to remember it. So, this is what I'm about to do.
On Tuesday morning I woke up at 4 o'clock with a migraine. I've never had one that was so bad that it actually woke me up, but this one was just that. I took some medicine and tried to go back to sleep, but that wasn't going to happen. I woke mom up, so she did her momma thing and took care of me. It was precious. I was definitely reminded how thankful I am to have a mommy that will stay up with me, rub my back, and sleep on my floor just in case I need her. My migraine medicine wasn't cutting it. I felt so nauseous, it just wasn't a pretty thing. I finally fell back to sleep at about 6 that morning. My parents were gracious and let me sleep in.

I went in to school at about 10:30 because we had a basketball game at 1. Now, I was just planning on going and watching the game. Oh, how I'd soon be surprised. I walk in to school and our principal, Mr. Smith, and the varsity boys' coach are talking in the lobby. I was greeted by Mr. Smith asking how I was feeling, which I told him I still felt awful, and his response was "Well, I'm glad you decided to come take one for the team." Did I hear him wrong? He made it sound like I was playing! I went into the office and the secretary tells me that Kara, our other captain, just went to the doctor to get her foot x-rayed. What did I miss in two hours?? I then realized I was going to have to play even if I did puke all over the other team. That would just scare them off. Not a bad plan...

I played. We were down by twenty or something. It was just not pretty. After maybe five minutes of playing time I came down on my ankle wrong. Now, my migraine hurt pretty bad, but this was worse. My coaches had to carry me off the court and my ankle was nice and swollen. First I cried because, well, it hurt. Then, I cried because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to play the rest of the season. But then I just laughed. I laughed because honestly, it just amazed me how bad my day had gone.

Now, I'm on crutches and my ankle is just as swollen as it was yesterday. Oddly enough it doesn't hurt all that much. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. So, pray nothing is seriously wrong and that I can play by next Tuesday! Ok, that might be asking too much, but whatever.

I hope everyone has a great week! Don't go break your ankles.

Much Love

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

God Bless America

On the way back from Honduras, I saw a sign at one of the restaurants in the Houston Airport that caught my attention.
All it said was "God Bless America"
Before my trip to Honduras that sign would not have caught me off guard. It really wouldn't have been a big deal to me at all. You see that phrase everywhere in the states. But now? I have a totally different outlook on it. God Bless America? Hasn't God already blessed America? And my thoughts just started running from there. Everything from God blessing everyone in some form and their responsibility with those blessings. I don't feel God would bless a place so much if He didn't feel they were able to bless others.

God has blessed America, and always continues to do so. Because God blesses America, we have a responsibility. We should be using these blessings to bless others. Third-world countries are in need. America should be helping those in need, and therefore be a blessing to them. Do you see what I'm saying? And this has become so clear after visiting Honduras. I know America is doing a lot for other countries. But I still feel more can be done. God's dream for the world doesn't involve a fourteen year old girl being at the hospital by herself because both of her parents are dead. God's dream for the world isn't for a mother and her seven children to sleep in a shack with one mattress that gets submerged in water whenever it rains. Seeing how that is happening now, we should be a blessing to them and show them God's love and mercy.

And the same is true for individuals. God has blessed me. So, now I should try to be a blessing to everyone I come in contact with. And God has blessed you. What are you going to do with those blessings? I know this is all easier said than done. But I have faith that God actually knows what He's doing.

Let's be the blessing this world needs.

Much Love